You can do this by visiting for the Legends of Lost Ark leaderboard

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR118461 0
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  • Location Online Event
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  • Date 13-08-2022 - 30-09-2022
You can do this by visiting for the Legends of Lost Ark leaderboard, Online Event
Game Title
You can do this by visiting for the Legends of Lost Ark leaderboard
Event Type
Game Date
13-08-2022 to 30-09-2022
Online Event
Organization Name / Organize By
P2Pah Lost Ark Gold
Organizing/Related Departments
P2Pah Lost Ark Gold
Organization Type
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries
Online Event

Once you have the shattered bowl, bring it to the Cook Supiso. She will then design your Half or Half, Dip and Pour you need for 1.700 silver coins Lost Ark Gold. Likey Likey Mokoko Gift Package Sweetwater Forest Cooking Ingredient. Then, from at the Sweetwater Farm Triport, head east across the bridge into Sweet Fruit Forest. Keep to the south end of the trail as you go through the tiny garden to the south of the path until you reach the finish.

After defeating the pirates After securing the table and chairs to find the 'Plenty Plenty Mokoko Gift Package'. You can right-click to activate the "Likey Likey" cooking recipe.

Pow Honey Health Tonic Pow Mokoko Village Cooking Ingredient

You'll need some cash for this one. Go to the Dessert Merchant Tellara in the eastern part area of Mokoko Village, on the way towards The Sweetwater Forest portal. Tellara will sell your all the Sweet-o-Sweet Honey you need - for 190.000 silver dollars. Take it to Cook Supiso, and she'll give you the Pow Pow Honey Health Tonic for less than 900 silver.

Sweet and Royal Jelly - Seaswept Woods cooking ingredient

Enter Seaswept Woods via The Mokoko Village portal and head to the southeast until where you'll arrive. Near its southern tip, there's a bandit camp in which you'll find the bench that has some papers on it.

A few steps to the north of the table is an orange blooming flowering plant Lost Ark Gold for sale. Explore this plant to find 'Honeycomb'. Bring this Honeycomb for Cook Supiso in Mokoko Village and she'll transform it to Sweet Sweet Royal Jelly for 1.400 silver.

Registration Fees
Registration Ways
P2Pah Lost Ark Gold  P2Pah Lost Ark Gold 