Our terms and conditions can be seen as an endeavour for demarcating your as well as our responsibilities separately on clear terms. As such, our terms and conditions are NOT an attempt of denying our responsibilities. Rather, they are meant for making everyone’s life easy both you as a user and us as the site owner.
When you browse our page, you will be presumed to have understood and agreed on our terms and conditions though the page by default may ask for registering with us. At the same time, the page will prompt to accept the terms and conditions laid out there. For a successful registration with our site, you have to agree with our terms and conditions.
Again, during your journey with us as a registered user, some changes in terms and conditions may appear inevitable in sync with the time and the laws of the land. Hence, our terms and conditions will invariably undergo changes from time to time. When you continue using our site, the changes made here will automatically apply on you. We may or may not be able to notify this individually. You are, therefore, advised to visit this page at regular intervals.
Privacy And Policy:
We give utmost priority to the protection of privacy. Refer to our privacy and policy page for more details on this.
When you use our site, you agree to use the same on its face value and we retain the ownership of the site. This, in other words, means that we may continue or discontinue the site as per our business priorities and policies from time to time. You cannot hold us responsible for any deletion, inaccuracy, and failure to save information.
By registering with us, you also agree that you will always provide the true information about you or as may be required by the law of the land.
Here we talk about the user conduct. It means how you would behave as a registered user of our site.
- You take the moral and legal responsibility of the text, photograph, movie clips and others that are posted on our site from your account. We are in no way responsible for that.
- Agree that you may be exposed to obscene and offensive posts on our site. You cannot hold us responsible in any way for the same.
- Must refrain from carrying out unlawful activities on our site. For instance, you cannot abuse, harass, stalk or issue threats to others through our site.
- You will not impersonate or falsify your identity and association here with our site.
- Must not use the site for criminal purposes such as the infringement on other’s privacy, copyright etc.
- Agree that you will refrain from promoting any campaign through the chain mail or others on our site without prior written permission from us.
- Agree that the original contents, photographs and others that you submit with our site become our property and we shall give you the due credit for the same.
- Agree that you will not authorise a third party for using your account with us.
Content submission:
- We retain the right to accept, reject or modify your content prior to its publication on our site.
- You warrant that you have the legal right to publish the content with our site. Failure to do so will surely be your responsibility and liability.
- By submitting content with our site, you authorise us for sharing contents with other sites such as the Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Bling. It helps to increase traffic to our site and on the flip side, it popularises your event/s.
Third party enrolment:
We do not engage in the third party enrolment counter guaranteeing about their products and the services. If you buy anything from the third party having read about the same from our site, it remains your sole responsibility to check and justify your purchase. We are in no way responsible for that.
You agree to indemnify us adequately against all the legal expenses and claims arising out of the third party deals as may be imposed on us by the courts of law.
If you still have queries, contact us at [email protected] for further inputs here.