Stress Buster - London's Monthly Healthy Emotional Release Class

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  • Location London, United Kingdom
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  • Date 28-06-2019
Stress Buster - London's Monthly Healthy Emotional Release Class, London, United Kingdom
Workshop Title
Stress Buster - London's Monthly Healthy Emotional Release Class
Event Type
Workshop Date
London, United Kingdom
Organization Name / Organize By
Empowered Healing
Organizing/Related Departments
Empowered Healing
Organization Type
Non Technical
Related Industries


London, United Kingdom

** Permit forsworn trapped emotions to arise and be voiced

** Express the full range of your emotional power through your body

** Practice healthy emotional release tools in a group setting

** Create space in your body to return to ease and 'just be'

Emotional release is key to health and wellbeing. It brings us into presence with the whole of who we are and allows us to return to an open and centred sense of ourselves.

By discharging stagnant / long-held emotions we create space for our truth to emerge and to connect with our heart’s desires, joy and pleasure!


** Testimonials **

"This is the only place I’ve experienced such a level of emotional honesty and physical release in such a highly skilled and lead group. Everyone should do this - and often. The world would be more peaceful and balanced if this were taught in schools" - Ebony, Doula

"I arrived feeling as though I was carrying the burdens of the world in my chest. I found the tools highly effective and left feeling a lot of relief. Essential self care for everyone"

"Emotions need to escape and this is a lovely way to do it. Thank you to the team for making me feel supported in this lonely time"

"Natalie and Ruth created a strong safe container that allows the group to dive deep. In just two hours we created a level of trust and release that usually takes a few days"

"A really useful, well-held and immensely safe space to learn about healthy moving and expressing emotions through the body"

What Will We Do?

This group process invites your full range of emotions (from joy and celebration to guilt, grief, anger, shame and fear) into full expression. You will be guided to use structured somatic tools that support you to release energy and E-motions (energy-in-motion) from your body, so you feel lighter, freer and more in control of your being. You will be supported through your individual journey in this group emotional release ritual.

We'll start with an opening circle and intention-setting, then demonstrate these highly effective release postures before moving into the emotional release ritual. We will close with some grounding exercises, sharing and am optional group hug!

* Opening circle
* Intention settings
* Body Activation
* Demonstration of the emotional release tools
* Emotional release ritual
* Shivassana / Integration
* Closing circle


More Reasons To Join Us

++ Natalie Ford & Ruth Biddlecombe are experienced in emotional release practise and holding a safe and deep container for participants to release emotion.

++ Natalie & Ruth, along with experienced assistants, will be present to support individual and collective processes.

++ You decide how deep you wish to dive into the process. All emotions and all levels of intensity are welcome. We celebrate ALL emotions as healthy manifestations of aliveness. You will be at choice throughout the entire ritual and your boundaries will be fully honoured.

++ Suitable for anyone seeking tools for everyday emotional balance^. No prior experience needed - curiosity and openness are the only admission criteria!

^ Please see contra-indications below for some symptoms these tools are not suitable for.


This is a medium-high intensity workshop that purposely brings up and releases emotions stored within the body.

Please note: part of our ‘Commitment of Care' agreement is that all participants take full responsibility for their safety and wellbeing - before, during and after the event. E.g. do NOT fast or intoxicate yourself 24 hours before event and plan to have a quiet and restful evening afterwards.

Inclusivity Commitment

This event aims to be inclusive of all beings. We commit to adapting our language, processes and space as much as possible to warmly welcome and honour your uniqueness. For example, techniques can be adapted to suit your body’s capacity, we routinely invite naming of gender pronouns at opening circle and offer a shared decision making process regarding whether this event will benefit or be a risk to your mental health needs.


The tools we teach can be modified to accommodate most physical injuries and limitations. Please make us aware on the day of any injuries s we can guide you. This class is not recommend if you have recently had surgery, as the emotional release tools are quite physically intense. Please wait until you are fully recovered before attending - we intend to hold the class monthly.

Emotional / Mental:
1) If you’ve been experiencing involuntary thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please message us and let us know what’s happening for you, including who is supporting you and - if you attend this event - what your plans are for taking care of yourself afterwards.

2) If, in the last 5 years, you have experienced:
* Feeling disconnected from reality
* Fearful of persecution and attack from unknown others
* Preoccupation with having to protect yourself from persecution and attack from a specific person or group
* Hearing, seeing or feeling things that other people can’t sense
* Flashbacks of previous events
* Active planning to commit suicide
* Self-harming to the point of needing medical care

Please contact us so we can have chat about what this event will entail and how that might affect you. Our aim is to be as inclusive as possible, so please share with us openly and honestly your situation. If we jointly decide with you that a group environment is not suitable, Ruth and Natalie both offer one-to-one emotional release coaching, which may be more supportive for you.

* Arrival 6:30pm - 6:45pm for a prompt 7pm start.
* Doors close at 7pm - late entrance not permitted.
* Finish 9pm.

What To Bring
Essential: Water bottle (with your name on it)
Optional: Power object for the altar; Journal and pen to note down any new awareness from your process

What To Wear
* Layered clothing that lets you move freely ( dance / sport / yoga clothes )
* Please remove all jewelry, watches and glasses.

* £25 Early Bird
* £35 Regular
* £40 at the door (if we have not sold out)

Limited to 15 spaces.

More Testimonials

"Come with an open mind and be prepared to let go. This space is safe & guided, just go with it"

"For any emotions festering - known or unknown - this space allows you to be present in your whole self. There is no shame to express any emotion, all are welcome. It’s not often we can let go like this"

"You should come and gift yourself this. You’ll feel better"

About The Facilitators

Natalie Ford is an Authenticity & Empowerment Facilitator and founder of Empowered Healing. I offer workshops and one-to-one guidance to connect you to your inner wisdom and innate power, using an integrated blend of tools to align body, mind and soul. I promote deeper connection to our bodies, increased self-acceptance, self-trust and self-belief and am known for creating safe, supportive and shame-free spaces for your to explore living more fully.

Ruth Biddlecombe is a Sex and Relationship Shamanic Practitioner, Psychotherapist and Educator passionate about people bringing consciousness to the way they love themselves and other beings. With a 20 year background in Therapeutic work and 10 years in Tantric and Shamanic work, Ruth is an experienced practitioner committed to reconnecting people to the truths of their soul.

About The Techniques Used
This class originated from the work of ISTA - International School of Temple Arts. Both Ruth and Natalie are Graduates of the ISTA Practitioners Training.


Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
Price per person: £35
Registration Ways
  Flow Dance London, Unit 3, Ground Floor, Kennington Business Park, 1-3 Brixton Road  Pin/Zip Code : SW9 6DE