Short Course in Statistical Data Analysis using Microsoft Excel

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR101988 0
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  • TypeWorkshop
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  • Location Nairobi, Kenya
  • Price
  • Date 25-07-2022 - 29-07-2022
Workshop Title
Short Course in Statistical Data Analysis using Microsoft Excel
Event Type
Workshop Date
25-07-2022 to 29-07-2022
Last Date for Applying
Nairobi, Kenya
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Both (Technical & Non Technical)
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Information Technology

Nairobi, Kenya


Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool for statistical data analysis. In fact there are numerous instances when a data analyst does not require using other specialized data analysis software such as SPSS, Stata, R, etc., as long as they have access to Microsoft Office Excel. This course will help improve participants' familiarity with Excel statistical functions and hence achieve great effectiveness and efficiency in research. The course describes how to use the Analysis ToolPack in Microsoft Excel, numerous statistical functions and data management techniques as applicable in most research endevours. An explanation of Excel limitation and how to overcome them will also be provided. Keen attention would be made in guiding participants on how to present results from Microsoft Excel data analysis as well as writing research reports.



5 Days


VENUE: Fahari Palace Apartments, along Church Road, Nairobi Kenya



By the end of this training, participants will become knowledgeable in the following:

•             Data management techniques using Microsoft Excel

•             Descriptive statistics and methods of results interpretation and presentation.

•             Multivariate methods of data analysis and subsequent methods of results interpretation and presentation.

•             Selection of appropriate statistical model.

•             How to present/communicate data analysis results.


Course Outline

Module 1:

Data management in Microsoft Excel

•             Computing new variable information

•             Protecting data in Microsoft Excel

•             Generating variables through calculations

•             How to remove unwanted characters in data

•             How to compare data

•             Finding and searching data in Excel

•             Substituting and replacing data in Excel

•             Outlining Data

•             Sorting data

•             Formatting text data into columns

•             Cleaning of data using flash fill

•             Detecting and removing duplicate data

•             Selecting data that meets a certain criteria


Preparing data for analysis

•             How to Create a Structured Reference Table

•             Conditional formatting

•             What-If Analysis

•             Data Validation

•             How to consolidate worksheet data

•             Importing/Exporting data in/from Excel

•             Pivot tables

•             Using Excel data form to add, edit and delete records (rows) and display only those records that meet certain criteria.

•             Using macros to automate Excel data management tasks

•             Using Sparkline in Excel to graph data in cells.


Descriptive Statistics

Measures of Variability and Central Tendency 

•             Describing quantitative data

•             Describing qualitative data


Excel Graphics

•             Graphing quantitative data

•             Graphing qualitative data


Module 2: Correlation, Chi-square and mean comparison analysis


•             Correlation

•             Subgroup Correlations

•             Scatterplots of Data by Subgroups

•             Overlay Scatterplots



•             Goodness of Fit Chi Square All Categories Equal

•             Goodness of Fit Chi Square Categories Unequal

•             Chi Square for Contingency Tables


Comparing Means

•             Confidence Interval for the Mean

•             Test of Hypothesis Concerning the Population Mean

•             Difference between Mean of Two Populations

•             One Sample t-tests

•             Paired Sample t-tests

•             Independent Samples t-tests

•             Comparing Means Using One-Way ANOVA


Module 3: Important Excel functions

•             Text Functions

•             Logical Functions

•             Information Functions

•             Date and Time Functions

•             Lookup and Reference Functions

•             Math and Trig Functions

•             Statistical Functions

•             Other Functions


Module 4: Data Analysis (continued)

•             Normal Distribution

•             Regression Analysis

•             Analysis of Covariance


Module 5: Analysing Data in Time and Forecasting

Analysing Data in Time

•             Trends/Regression line

•             Linear, Logarithmic, Polynomial, Power, Exponential, Moving Average Smoothing

•             Seasonal fluctuations analysis



•             Extrapolation




This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can also have it delivered your preferred location. For further inquiries, please contact us through Mobile: +254 732 776 700 or +254 759 285 295. You can also email us on: [email protected]



Participants should be reasonably proficient in English.  During the trainings, participants should come with their own laptops.



The course fee covers the course tuition, training materials, two break refreshments and lunch.



Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact us through Mobile: +254 732 776 700/+254 759 285 295 or Email: [email protected]

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
USD 900, KES 80,000
Registration Ways
Fahari Palace Apartments, along Church Road, Nairobi Kenya  Fahari Palace Apartments, along Church Road, Nairobi Kenya 
Official Email ID

Fahari Palace Apartments, along Church Road, Nairobi Kenya

[email protected]

   +254 732 776 700      +254 732 776 700