Shani Graha Shanthi Homam

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  • Date 22-05-2020
Shani Graha Shanthi Homam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Shani Graha Shanthi Homam
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 Shani Graha Shanthi Homam

Lord Shani Dev Invokes Subtle and Celestial Energies, Blesses Purity, Natural Healing, Remove Doshas, Bestow Positive Gunas

Scheduled Live Stream on May 22, 2020 @ 3:30 PM IST

The role of Lord Shani in one's life is based on the facts of the planetary position in the natives birth chart. Those who is terribly upset and facing depression in life by enormous failures, sorrow and hardship, during their honest path to success, are believed to be facing Dosha's and inflictions of Lord Shani which can only be set right by appeasing Lord Shani performing "Shani Graha Shanthi Homam". Lord Shani is the only person who holds the powerful authority erasing the misfortunes in one's life, once for all. Therefore worshipping Lord Shani will show you the path to free you from bad influences, curtail evil effects of bad deeds of present and past and bless you to lead a Good and Prosperous life.


Vedicfolks is organizing on this Shani Jayanti day a powerful Homam to Lord Saturn, performing  "Shani Graha Shanthi Homam" and the devotees will get the blessings from Lord Saturn, God of time and from Lord Shiva, the God of Destiny, is blessed with divine energy to negate past sins and karmas, enrich divine realization and this is very good occasion to ward-off the ill-effects of 7/12 Sani Peyarchi Period which will clears past sins, attain self-realization, vicious cycle of life and death, ultimate well-being, knowledge and wisdom.

Auspicious Rituals and Added Puja's Invokes Golden Age of Abundance and Peace, Remove Birth Chart Doshas, Evil Effects, Bless Long and Disease-Free Life

Shani Graha Shanthi Homam - This homam is performed to see improvements in  personal life and also to improve the status of health, wealth, bonding, personal and professional career, strength, courage and success. This Homam is extremely powerful and incredibly performed to please Lord Shani to minimize the ill-effects, obstructions, great pains and difficulties in life.

Mahakali Yantra Puja - Mahakali Yantra is a very powerful Yantra that emits the power of Goddess Mahakali. A special puja for this Yantra give protection from negativity and malefic effects, nullify the ill-effects of black magic, free from bad influences of spirits and bestows fulfillment of desires and material comforts.

Shani Sukta Parayanam & Moola Mantra Beejakshara Homam - Seed mantras are chanted along with homam being performed in the name of Lord Saturn, benefit those facing misfortunes, suffering from evil eye or black magic, prolonged illness, nullify negative karma, depression, lack of confidence etc.  Once all negativity is eliminated, it paves way for prosperity, good health and peace.

Thirukkollikadu Pongu Saneeswarar Temple Puja - It is noteworthy that the temple is facing west which belongs to the Planet Saturn zodiac circle. A puja in this temple on the special day of Lord Shani gives relief from adverse aspects of Saturn.

Lighting of Black Sesame Lamp at Shani Temple - Ellu Villaku contains black sesame wrapped in black cloth and pure gingerly oil. The black color of the wick symbolizes the darkness in one's life and by lighting the lamp helps you to get rid of that darkness & ignorance with the powerful blessings of Shani Bhagwan.

Energised Shani Yantra Kavacham Locket - Shani Yantra Kavacham indicates success in business, worldly affairs & helps you to achieve great heights. Wearing this locket is one of the best remedies to overcomes the troubles caused due to malefic effects of Saturn and achieve Rajayoga through complete blessings of Shani Dev.

Power Ritual to Lord Shani, God of Liberation, Blesses Plenty of Life Benefits

  • Reverse adversities, stay stronger, courageous
  • Bless strong relationship with a spouse, groom bonding
  • Materialize inventions, conquer losses in business ventures
  • Safety from danger, protection from evil spirits and bad karmas
  • Bestow with good things in life, clear hurdles, delays and frustration
  • Remove haze, overcome grief and misfortunes, bless prosperity
  • Gain good health, wealth and hassle-free life

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