Sales and Customer Service Course

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR114078 0
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  • TypeTraining or Development Class
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  • Location Nairobi, Nairobi County,Nairobi,Kenya
  • Price
  • Date 31-10-2022 - 04-11-2022
Sales and Customer Service Course, Nairobi, Nairobi County,Nairobi,Kenya
Training or Development Class Title
Sales and Customer Service Course
Event Type
Training or Development Class
Training or Development Class Date
31-10-2022 to 04-11-2022
Last Date for Applying
Nairobi, Nairobi County,Nairobi,Kenya
Organization Name / Organize By
Foscore Development Center
Organizing/Related Departments
Training department
Organization Type
Education Institution
Training or Development ClassCategory
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
Training or Development ClassLevel
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries


Nairobi, Nairobi County,Nairobi,Kenya

Sales and Customer Service Course on 31st October to 4th November 2022

course calendar

Course Overview

86% of the customers stop purchasing products or a service from an organization due to a bad experience. Well, it makes no difference how great a company you are or how great the product you sell is. What matters is to keep the customer happy. If the relationship is not created and if the service is poor, then you are so sure to lose the business and have an unhappy customer. What’s the advantage of having a combination of Sales and Customer Service? Remember, good customer service is always a revenue generator. Customers expect not only the sales but also expect the service to be up to the mark.


The good news for you is that in today’s times it is not difficult to turn things around. Customer exactly knows what they want, and it is this new lifestyle and way of being treated that can be learned right in this workshop. What is important is to transform your customer service from mediocre to awesome. Yes, it won’t happen overnight, yet it is a skill that can be learned. The right combination of sales and customer service in the attitude is like the right match just like the combo of salt and spice in your favorite dish. What is important is to delight customers and engage them in exciting ways.


This course will empower you with the opportunity to develop and enhance the sales and customer service skills of going the extra mile which is critical for the customer.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this Sales and Customer Service Training Program successfully, participants will be able to:

·        Know the importance of customer service

·        Deliver good customer service and make it a revenue generator

·        Deal with the complaints and find resolutions

·        Create happy customers and retain them

·        Make it easy to cross-sell and up-sell

·        Identify buyer motives and close more sales

·        Do compelling selling presentations

·        Create a win-win approach with the customer

·        Produce respect and genuine interest for the customer

·        Create a solution-based pitch and understand the customer requirements

Who Should Attend?

This Sales and Customer Service Training Program would be suitable for anyone interested in retaining the customers for a lifetime. The sales professional who interacts with the customer not only sells but also gives the right service. Create customer loyalty and wants to cause their business to be known for excellent service.

If you are interacting with a customer or managing a team, these proficiencies are a must in today’s times. If you’re an employee or a business owner, this course is for you. Because this program is designed for building a relationship with the customer, building your credibility and gaining their trust.

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
USD 1000
Registration Ways
Foscore Development Center  Transnational Plaza, Mama Ngina St, Nairobi 