Project Appraisals and Impact Evaluations course

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR119551 0
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  • TypeTraining or Development Class
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  • Location Nairobi, Kenya
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  • Date 03-10-2022 - 14-10-2022
Project Appraisals and Impact Evaluations course, Nairobi, Kenya
Training or Development Class Title
Project Appraisals and Impact Evaluations course
Event Type
Training or Development Class
Training or Development Class Date
03-10-2022 to 14-10-2022
Last Date for Applying
Nairobi, Kenya
Organization Name / Organize By
Upskill Development Training Center
Organizing/Related Departments
Upskill Training Department
Organization Type
Training or Development ClassCategory
Non Technical
Training or Development ClassLevel
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries


Business Development


Nairobi, Kenya


This course will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively appraise and analyse projects. It provides you with the latest tools and techniques to manage project risks and uncertainties to ensure profit margins and sustainability in uncertain times. It will in more advanced level cover econometric impact evaluation theory and empirical methods for measuring the impact of development programs (including randomization, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, and propensity score matching). It will combine theory and practice. The primary objectives of the course is to provide participants with the skills to understand the value and practice of impact evaluation within development economics, design and implement impact evaluations and act as critical consumers of impact evaluations.


10 Days

Course Objective:

   o   Undertake, Technical, Economic, Financial & Risk Analysis to select Projects to meet National and Organisational Objectives

o   Undertake Financial Analysis using Payback, NPV & IRR

o   Identifying & Measuring Risk & Uncertainties

o   Evaluate and Manage Risks using the latest tools & techniques

o   Manage Uncertainties using Decisions Trees, Programming Techniques – Gannt Charts, Network & Critical Path Analysis, Manpower Planning, Contingency Planning & Earned

o   Identifying if project is working or not, impact evaluation will assist accountability function. This course is aligned with results based management and monitoring.

Who should attend?

This course targets Project Management Officials from NGO’s, National Statistics Offices, Education Researchers, Government ministries, National Institutes and Planning Ministries, Central banks, and University Researchers among others.

The Course Content

Module One:  Project Appraisal & Analysis

  o   The Investment Criteria & The Investment Planning Process

o   Identifying Technical, Logistical & Environmental Risks

o   Economic Risk Analysis

o   Market Risk Analysis

o   Selecting Projects to meet Organisational Objectives

Module Two: Financial Analysis

  o   Estimating Income, Cashflows & Durations

o   Identifying Risks from the Projected Cashflow

o   Calculating the Cost of Finance – WACC, CAPM & Arbitrage Pricing

o   Capital Investment Appraisal Techniques - Payback; ARR, NPV, IRR etc.

o   Financial Appraisal using Spreadsheet Skills

Module Three: Project Risk & Uncertainties

  o   Measuring Risk & Uncertainties

o   Project Constraints

o   Balancing Scope, Time, Quality & Cost

o   Evaluating the Risks & Uncertainties – Their Likelihood & Impact

o   Risk Response Planning & Reporting

Module Four: Risk Management

 o   The Risk Management Process at various levels of an organization and throughout the Project Life Cycle

o   The Project Manager’s Roles and Responsibilities

o   Qualitative & Quantitative Risk Analysis

o   Financial Risk Management & Derivatives

o   Sensitivity Analysis & Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis

Module Five: Managing Uncertainties

  o   Decisions Trees to Manage Uncertainties and make Strategic Decisions

o   Programming Techniques – Gannt Charts, Network & Critical Path Analysis

o   Manpower Planning and Resource Smoothing & Levelling

o   Project Contingency Planning

o   Earned Value Analysis – Controlling Cost & Schedule Variances

Module Six: Cost benefit analysis

  o   The effect on decision-making of more intangible benefits

o   Cost benefit analysis

o   Ensuring costs are genuine

o   Measuring intangible benefits

o   Environmental issues

o   Consideration of intangible benefits in the appraisal decision-making process

Module Seven: Developing appropriate models

  o   Developing models – examples of spreadsheet models and measures for many different situations

o   Modelling investment opportunities – summarising outcomes

o   Sensitivity analysis – identifying, quantifying and taking out risk

Module Eight: Developing an appraisal process

  o   The process – managing risk from the outset

o   Using the process in risk management, negotiating and project management

o   Take out risk by thoroughly knowing your project – developing your own process

Module Nine: Introduction to impact evaluation

  o   Introduction

o   Counterfactual

o   Purpose of impact evaluation

o   When to undertake impact evaluation

Module Ten: Evaluation Design

  o   Establishing the program theory

o   Selecting the evaluation approach

o   Designing the baseline survey

o   Options when there is no baseline

o   Impact evaluation using secondary data

o   The role of qualitative information

o   Triangulation

o   Generalizations from specific impact evaluations

Module Eleven: Managing and Implementing Impact Evaluation

  o   Terms of reference

o   Data sources

o   Time and cost

Training Approach

This course will be delivered by our skilled trainers who have vast knowledge and experience as expert professionals in the fields. The course is taught in English and through a mix of theory, practical activities, group discussion and case studies. Course manuals and additional training materials will be provided to the participants upon completion of the training.

Tailor-Made Course

This course can also be tailor-made to meet organization requirement. For further inquiries, please contact us on: Email: [email protected] Tel: +254 721 331 808

Training Venue 

The training will be held at our Upskill Training Centre. We also offer training for a group (at a discount of 10% to 50%) at requested location all over the world. The course fee covers the course tuition, training materials, two break refreshments, and buffet lunch.

Visa application, travel expenses, airport transfers, dinners, accommodation, insurance, and other personal expenses are catered by the participant


Participants will be issued with Upskill certificate upon completion of this course.

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
USD 2000
Registration Ways
Upskill Development Training Center  NAIROBI  Pin/Zip Code : 00100
Official Email ID
Daniel Ndungu