The primary function of your stronghold

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR104952 0
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  • TypeTraining or Development Class
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  • Location California, Entre Ríos, Argentina
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  • Date 05-04-2022 - 23-12-2022
Training or Development Class Title
The primary function of your stronghold
Event Type
Training or Development Class
Training or Development Class Date
05-04-2022 to 23-12-2022
Last Date for Applying
California, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Organization Name / Organize By
Lost Ark Gold
Organizing/Related Departments
Lost Ark Gold
Organization Type
Event Organizing Company
Training or Development ClassCategory
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
Training or Development ClassLevel
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries


California, Entre Ríos, Argentina

The primary function of your stronghold is crafting potions for healing and other battle items to aid in the final game. If you don't want pay thousands of Lost Ark Boosting Gold purchasing consumables from other players, it's best to invest in your stronghold. There are many other benefits from doing so like the ability to passively complete everyday tasks and increase the level of alternate characters to levels 50.


You will be given a stronghold after completing your "Clerk Theo's Invitation" quest. The quest can be completed by retaking Luterra Castle, an event that occurs in the main narrative around level 25. Follow the quest line to unlock your estate as well as its associated fast-travel song.


While your stronghold remains unlocked however, it will not be at its maximum potential. Additional functions for your estate can be unlocked by completing quests obtained from your stronghold, completing research projects, and raising the prestige the stronghold.It is important to make sure you use your personal storage before setting out for an adventure to ensure that you don't have a jammed inventory.


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