Mobile Based Data Collection using ODK (Open Data Kit) and KoboToolBox

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR99658 0
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  • TypeWorkshop
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  • Location Abuja, Abuja (FCT), Nigeria
  • Price
  • Date 05-09-2022 - 09-09-2022
Workshop Title
Mobile Based Data Collection using ODK (Open Data Kit) and KoboToolBox
Event Type
Workshop Date
05-09-2022 to 09-09-2022
Last Date for Applying
Abuja, Abuja (FCT), Nigeria
Organization Name / Organize By
vitalextra learning
Organizing/Related Departments
Organization Type
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries



Information Technology

Abuja, Abuja (FCT), Nigeria

Mobile Based Data Collection using ODK (Open Data Kit) and KoboToolBox

Course Description

Data collection is an integral parts of any monitoring and evaluation process and is a key ingredient of informed decision making. Data collection was in the past executed through paper and pen method, which made them prone to error, inconveniences and high costs. Nowadays, instead of collecting data on paper using a pen, data is inputted into a mobile device which is then capable of exporting directly into a centralized database for processing and analysis. Open Data Kit (ODK) is a suite of tools that allows data collection using Android mobile devices and data submission to an online server. This training will equip the participants with skills to author survey questionnaire and manage mobile data collection platform using ODK.


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

• Create survey forms using Build and XLSForms

• Set up ODK Build, Collect and Aggregate

• Upload forms to an Aggregate server

• Load forms into Collect on an Android device

• Use ODK Collect to fill out forms with field participants

• Upload survey data from Collect to Aggregate

• Export and analyse data from Aggregate


Who should enroll?

The course is useful for professionals who use data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from data analysis. This course does not assume prior knowledge of ODK or any other data collection platform.


Send an email to [email protected] to request a course training agenda

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
$ 850
Registration Ways
Vital Extra learning centre Abuja, Nigeria  Vital Extra learning centre Abuja, Nigeria 
Official Email ID
Joy Nyongesa

Vital Extra learning centre Abuja, Nigeria

[email protected]

   +254 707 053 111      +254 707 053 111