I'm trying figure out an approach to this without unnecessarily

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR124483 0
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  • Date 08-10-2022 - 30-11-2022
I'm trying figure out an approach to this without unnecessarily, Online Event
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I'm trying figure out an approach to this without unnecessarily
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08-10-2022 to 30-11-2022
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Have there been discussions that are like"OK, let's go mobile but let's come up with something that doesn't have all the baggage associated with an existing IP and all the users who already have invested in D2R Items .

Yes, we've spoken about that. We've had discussions about, "How do we think about brand new IP on different platforms?"

One of the features we convey with each of our IP is that each one is designed and designed to really support a lot more, not only different platforms, but also different kinds of games, and various genres of game.

Let me give you an example of that. If you consider Warcraft, one of our most well-known IP that has been around for a long time, it has played the development of a massive MMO as well as real-time strategy games, and it's allowed a collectible

I'm trying figure out an approach to this without unnecessarily degrading Activision. I guess my question is, are the business realities of the moment as your relationship with your parent company, Activision, such that you will continue to do business this way? Are you Blizzard self-sufficient enough to tell you that we believe this isn't an appropriate idea, so we're going out of our way to stop it, and we're planning to return to the drawing board ... You might not have another game from us in the next five or 10 years or whatever it might be? Is your position in which you're able to make that decision?

You know, there were a couple of questions I asked when Mike told me, "Hey, you should think about applying for this job." There were a couple of questions I asked him and a handful of questions I had for Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision], and the rest of the folks at Activision Blizzard. What you're touching on is something that it's really crucial to the meaning of to be Blizzard from both an developer perspective, in addition to Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Items , honestly as a community and fan's point of view.


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