How To Deal with Toxic People

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  • Location Littleton, Colorado, United States
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  • Date 30-11-2020
How To Deal with Toxic People, Littleton, Colorado, United States
Webinar Title
How To Deal with Toxic People
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Littleton, Colorado, United States
Organization Name / Organize By
Global Wizdom
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Global Wizdom
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Littleton, Colorado, United States

Global Wizdom is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. This program is valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.

Key Take-Away:
Energy vampiring (people who suck all the energy out of other people) and toxicity typically start out very subtle and nuanced. When left unchecked, the behaviors will metabolize into all aspects of interactions, eventually impacting everyone even close to the situation. Once a pattern has been established dealing with the discord can seem intractable.

There is hope – the key to protecting yourself and the organizational, team, or group culture, is to recognize early on before the pattern becomes established and take specific and intentional countermeasures.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time” –  Maya Angelou

Toxicity in the workplace acts like an infectious disease – it spreads and infiltrates teams and relationships, Without the understanding, skills and tools applied intentionally, toxicity will continue to spread eventually impairing the organization and burning out the leaders and staff.

In some organizations, toxicity has a seemingly intractable hold on the culture – it’s rampant. In other organizations, it is more covert but no less debilitating to the organization and the people.

Areas Covered in the Session:
•  The drivers of toxic behavior – why they do what they do
•  To recognize toxicity and vampiring (i.e. sapping the energy from the people around them) before it’s too late
•  The 19 Toxic Tactics deployed by energy vampires
•  How to decline invitations to participate in the toxicity
•  The protection matrix – how to use situational analysis to defeat toxicity
•  5 strategies to extricate yourself from a toxic situation
•  How to stay centered and present when faced with toxicity
•  A key to relieving your own frustration

Speaker: Michael Healey
Since 1987 Michael has been consulting with businesses and organizations that understand the value of developing organizational culture and their people as a foundation for continual improvement, staff recruitment/retention, and enhancing organizational capacity.

Tags: 5 strategies to extricate yourself from a toxic situation, A key to relieving your own frustration, Communication Skills, Dealing with people who are merely difficult, Effective Communication, Effective workplace, Getting the job done, handle difficult people, Handle difficult situation, How To Deal with Toxic People, How to decline invitations to participate in the toxicity, How to face toxicity, How to use situational analysis to defeat toxicity, Key strategies to protect your emotional and psychological well being, Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Style, managing your organization, Michael Healey, Organizational Consequences, Performance Motivation, Productive Workplace, Recognize toxicity and vampiring, Relationship-Building Skills, SHRM, situation handling, Strategies for dealing with toxic people, Stress Management, Team Performance, Toxicity in the workplace, Workplace Leadership

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