Computerized Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using ArcGIS Desktop

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR129604 0
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  • TypeTraining or Development Class
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  • Location Abuja, Nigeria,Abuja (FCT),Nigeria
  • Price
  • Date 15-05-2023 - 19-05-2023
Training or Development Class Title
Computerized Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using ArcGIS Desktop
Event Type
Training or Development Class
Training or Development Class Date
15-05-2023 to 19-05-2023
Last Date for Applying
Abuja, Nigeria,Abuja (FCT),Nigeria
Organization Name / Organize By
Vital Extra Learning & Consultancy
Organizing/Related Departments
Vital Extra Learning & Consultancy
Organization Type
Training or Development ClassCategory
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
Training or Development ClassLevel
Related Industries



Business Development

Abuja, Nigeria,Abuja (FCT),Nigeria

Course Title : Computerized Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using ArcGIS Desktop

Course  provider : Vital Extra Learning and consultancy

Venue : Abuja, Nigeria

15/05/2023 - 19/05/2023 :

Course Description

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a powerful tool used for computerized mapping and spatial analysis. GIS provides functionality to capture, store, query, analyze, display and output geographic information. This course introduces GIS concepts and trains participants on tools used to visualize real-world features, discover patterns, and communicate information using ArcGIS. Using ArcMap and ArcGIS Online, the participants will work with GIS maps, explore data, and analyze maps and data.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

• Understand the principles of GIS and Remote Sensing

• Find and organize geographic data and other content for a mapping project.

• Display features on a GIS map and access information about them.

• Perform spatial analysis.

• Share GIS maps and analysis results.

• Create and manage geodatabase

• Automate tasks and spatial analysis

• Create and utilize advanced ATLAS/advanced pages

• Carry out spatial, grid and surface analysis

• Carry out classification and reclassification of Rasters.

Who should enroll?

This course is ideal for new GIS users, GIS data editors, GIS database designers, GIS managers, GIS analysts, Map designers, GIS technical leads and GIS Desktop application developers.

Send an email to [email protected] to request a course training agenda


Why train with us

Vital Extra Learning guarantees our clients:

• State-of-the-art facilities and training infrastructure

• Extended tradition of hand-holding during post engagement

• Service delivery through highly seasoned industry experts.

• Value for money



Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
950 USD
Registration Ways
Abuja,nigeria,  Abuja,nigeria, 
   0 707 053 111