- Type
- Location Quakertown, Pennsylvania, United States
- Date 30-09-2023
THAT'S RIGHT! It seems that, per the "Boss's" instructions, an experiment was conducted that yielded a split result. The Subject divided into a positive and negative of itself, requiring careful introduction to each other for the experiment to continue. Relabeled "Man" and "Woman", the subject matter was poured into a Petri Dish and the experiment observation was begun.
Unfortunately, the whole thing was supervised by two rather unorthodox Lab Technicians, one of whom is a severe hypochondriac and worries constantly. Against explicit instructions, the Lab Techs can't help tampering. They really should have left well enough alone, but they felt so bad because "Man" seemed to be at a definite disadvantage in several situations.
Everyone in the audience will be able to relate to what they watch unfold on the stage before their eyes.
Artists: Eric Reese, Krysta Leigh, Munir Kreidie, Scott Abbott
Category: Arts | Performing Arts | Theatre
Price: General Admission: USD 25.00