White on White: Engaging Other White People in Race Conversations

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  • Location Online, United States
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  • Date 17-02-2021
White on White: Engaging Other White People in Race Conversations, Online, United States
Workshop Title
White on White: Engaging Other White People in Race Conversations
Event Type
Workshop Date
Online, United States
Organization Name / Organize By
Jill Nagle
Organizing/Related Departments
Jill Nagle
Organization Type
Event Organizing Company
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries


Online, United States

Here are some things people in recent workshops have said:

"Thank you, Jill, that was brilliant! I really learned to shift from frustration and anger, fight and blame, to compassion and connection." - Seri, Alameda

"Jill creates a safe space for practicing new responses to uncomfortable situations." - J.H., Fairfax CA

"This workshop provides a powerful first step toward building a better toolkit for real communication." - Lori H, San Francisco

Cost is $5 - $10

Get tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/136010674589

Note: This same event is also offered*:
- Tuesday, Feb 9th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
- Tuesday March 2nd 6:00 - 8:00 PM
- Wednesday, March. 17 noon - 2 PM

* All times are Pacific

See all events here: http://evolutionaryworkplace.com/events

A conversation can change a life. So why is it so hard to have them when the topic is race?

When you encounter white people with different views, do you...
- Despair at how they seem not to "get it"?
- Stop engaging because you think there's no point in trying to reach them?
- Wish you knew how to show up in truly heartfelt and transformative ways?
- Feel afraid that it will feel too hard?

You're not alone.

In this post-Storm the Capitol, -George Floyd murder era, many of us are awakening to the possibility that we can do something, yet we are unsure exactly what or how.

*** One of the most important things we can do is to stay close to the other white people in our lives who seem not to "get it." ***

However, this can feel extremely difficult!

In this confusing and painful moment, we want clarity, affirmation, and the hope of a better world. The "other white people" seem to be going in the opposite direction.

So we turn away in disgust, paralysis, or exasperation and do...nothing.

Not surprisingly, this doesn't help a thing.

It also might be hurting .

Yet we continue distancing ourselves from the "other white people."

Consider this: People of European descent, AKA "white" people, can go and possibly have influence where people of African, Asian, Latino/a/x, and Indigenous descent cannot. We don't face the same dangers. When we abdicate that privilege to connect and influence, we perpetuate the problem.

It doesn't have to be that way.

What if the biggest way we could make a difference turned out to be going toward that which we currently find repulsive?

And what if that way forward turned out to be bound up with our own urgently needed transformation?

Come learn a range of tools for engaging the "other white people," while also growing your own self-awareness by leaps and bounds.

You'll discover:
- The real (and completely logical) reasons you and other white people react the way you do
- Ways to handle your own discomfort, and have productive, transformative conversations
- How to step with confidence into your unique and vital leadership role in dismantling white supremacy

You'll also learn about our upcoming offerings that build upon this work.

Note: This class is especially but not exclusively for light-skinned people of European descent who get perceived as "white." No prerequisites necessary. Everyone welcome. People of all backgrounds have attended these events and found them useful. All your feelings will be held with care. You will not be shamed or attacked for your vulnerability. You will, however, be invited to confront and work through feelings in order to become more effective at these conversations.

Get tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/136010674589

Facilitator Jill Nagle is the founder of Evolutionary Workplace and Wisdom of the Body. She is a widely published author, and has been working with social justice, leadership, and personal transformation for more than three decades. Along with Dr. Cleo Manago, she is leading the upcoming 22nd Century Leaders program starting in April, 2021. Learn more at http://evolutionaryworkplace.com/22ndcenturyleaders

See all related events: http://evolutionaryworkplace.com/events

Others Details

Virtual: https://go.evvnt.com/737269-0?pid=6581 Time: 12:00 to 14:00

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
General Admission: USD 10.00
Registration Ways
Jill Nagle

[email protected]