Training Course on GIS Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS

4 months ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR180892 0
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  • TypeTraining or Development Class
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  • Location Kampla, Uganda
  • Price
  • Date 17-06-2024 - 21-06-2024
Training Course on GIS Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS, Kampla, Uganda
Training or Development Class Title
Training Course on GIS Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS
Event Type
Training or Development Class
Training or Development Class Date
17-06-2024 to 21-06-2024
Last Date for Applying
Kampla, Uganda
Organization Name / Organize By
Altum Training and Research Institute
Organizing/Related Departments
Altum Training and Research Institute
Organization Type
Training or Development ClassCategory
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
Training or Development ClassLevel
Related Industries



Business Development

Social Sciences


Kampla, Uganda

Making timely decisions requires not only innovative ways to access accurate and real time information, but also tools to help present the information in ways that are useful. Giving a spatial dimension to data and performing spatial analysis in a GIS environment speeds interpretation visualization which eventually speeds up implementation of programs. Integrating GIS and Remote Sensing as a decision making tool has seen many organizations gain competitive advantage and remain relevant globally. Everything that happens in this world has a spatial dimension and this has made GIS applicable across all fields e.g. in health, agriculture, forestry, mining, crime, business, transport and communications, utility management, climate change, planning etc. This training course on GIS Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS is aimed at helping participants understand how well they can apply GIS and remote sensing technology in getting the best out of spatial data. The course will be offered using Quantum GIS (QGIS) software.

Target Participants

This course is ideal for cartographers, GIS users, IT professionals, web developers, geoscientists, surveyors, software engineers, database and system administrators, and monitoring and evaluation experts.

Course Duration

5 Days

What you will learn

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Easily develop and implement a GIS project
  • Master the principles and concepts of spatial analysis using GIS and RS technologies
  • Comfortably acquire, manipulate and save data sources in a QGIS software
  • Understand how GIS database works and how to update them
  • Easily edit data in QGIS
  • Learn digital image processing techniques
  • Master key techniques in output and results dissemination in GIS project.
  • Discover and use the internet for publishing maps

Course Outline

Introduction to GIS concepts

  • Principles of GIS and  Remote Sensing
  • Components of GIS Systems
  • GIS Capabilities and Functions
  • Spatial Data Infrastructure

Introduction to GIS data

  • Vector geometries
  • Vector information
  • Raster basics
  • Data attribute table
  • Metadata

Spatial Reference Systems

  • Map projections
  • Coordinate system
  • GPS system


  • Introduction to Mobile Data Collection using ODK
  • GIS Mapping ODK collected data

GIS data acquisition

  • Extracting data from Satellite images
  • Remote sensing data
  • Extracting data from online GIS data sources
  • Obtaining Data from topographic sheets
  • Downloading Data from open street maps

Map making using QGIS software

  • Map Components
  • Working with shapefiles and attribute data in QGIS

Loading GIS Data into QGIS

  • Vector and raster data layer
  • Working with attributes
  • Importing spreed sheets or CSVs
  • Adding a base map
  • Geocoding addresses

Key Options of Geospatial Data Representations

  • Data and layout view
  • Layer order and transparency
  • Symbology and label
  • Annotations

Styling geographical features

  • Basic vector styling
  • Basic raster styling
  • Raster mosaicing and clipping

Producing final map

Spatial Analysis

Point pattern analysis

  • Heatmap in QGIS
  • Graduated point map
  • Density maps
  • Offset point location 

Buffer analysis

Join analysis

  • Spatial join
  • Table join
  • Spatial query

Point in polygon analysis

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
800 USD
Registration Ways
Prestige Hotel Suites, Kampala, Uganda  Prestige Hotel Suites, Kampala, Uganda 
Official Email ID
Altum Training and Research Institute

Prestige Hotel Suites, Kampala, Uganda

[email protected]

Altum Training and Research Institute

Prestige Hotel Suites, Kampala, Uganda

[email protected]
