Post-Industrial Summit 2023: The AI Transformation

9 months ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR163432 0
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  • TypeConference
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  • Location San Mateo, California, United States
  • Price
  • Date 30-10-2023 - 31-10-2023
Conference Title
Post-Industrial Summit 2023: The AI Transformation
Event Type
Conference Date
30-10-2023 to 31-10-2023
San Mateo, California, United States
Organization Name / Organize By
Post-Industrial Institute
Sponsored By
SRI International, Tech Mahendra and Broadcom
Organizing/Related Departments
Post-Industrial Institute
Organization Type
Non Technical
Related Industries

Social Sciences





San Mateo, California, United States

Join 200 fellow Enterprise Leaders and Build an AI Transformation Roadmap for your Organization.

Who Should Attend:

Transformation Executives

  • You are Looking for technologies, tools, partners, and ideas to accelerate innovation and transformation in their enterprises.
  • You are interested in how they can better exploit AI to accelerate change.
  • Example Job Titles (not limited to): CIO, Chief Transformation Officer, VP of Digital Transformation, Chief Strategy Officer, CHRO, etc.

Investors (VCs and CVCs)

  • You want to understand how industries and technology spaces are evolving and where they are heading.
  • You are interested in AI-related technologies and startups.
  • Example Job Titles (not limited to): Managing Directors, Managing Partner, Partner, etc.

Founders of B2B AI Startups

  • You are looking for enterprises to partner with.
  • You are looking for investors.
  • Example Job Titles (not limited to): Founder, Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, etc.



The New Transformation Landscape

  • AI Everywhere, Rapid Industry Disruption
  • Decentralized Work Empowered by AI
  • Geopolitics and Supply Chains
  • Reinventing Legacy Industries
  • Industries of the Future

AI Platforms & Applications

  • The Future of AI Platforms (hardware and software)
  • Faster Innovation with AI Copilots
  • AI in Customer Acquisition and Support
  • Intelligent Assistants and Social AI

Building the Post-Industrial Enterprise

  • Accelerating Transformation Efforts
  • Autonomous and Decentralized Organizations
  • Incubating AI Ventures
  • AI and Organizational Culture
  • Building an AI Transformation Roadmap

Others Details

Build an AI Transformation Roadmap Connect with 200 transformation leaders Practical AI insights for faster change Learn about AI tech and strategies

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
Delegate - $895 Early Bird Pricing - $750
Registration Ways
SRI International: Headquarters  333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025 