Intro to Sexual Ecstasy: Online Tantra Workshop for Singles and Couples

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  • Location New York, United States
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  • Date 10-08-2020
Intro to Sexual Ecstasy: Online Tantra Workshop for Singles and Couples, New York, United States
Class Title
Intro to Sexual Ecstasy: Online Tantra Workshop for Singles and Couples
Event Type
Class Date
New York, United States
Organization Name / Organize By
The Tantra Institute
Organizing/Related Departments
The Tantra Institute
Organization Type
Event Organizing Company
Non Technical
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries
New York, United States

Do you often find yourself in your head during lovemaking?
Ready to learn the secrets to breathtaking pleasure?
And explore what your body is truly capable of?
The human body is vast and deep, capable of unprecedented, exquisite and transcendant pleasure. However, people barely get a glimpse of what's possible in sex. Why? Because we're never taught, we're expected to figure it out on our own. And once the brain chemistry of the "new partner experience" wears off, we're left asking... "Is this it?"

Unlock your pleasure potential.

In this clothes-on workshop, join two of the country's leading Tantra experts and discover all the secrets you were never taught in school.
Bring your questions about:
The G-Spot: Have you heard of it? Can you find it? Guess what... Not only will we help you find it, we'll teach you that it's one many others including the "Sacred Spot."
Female Erotic Anatomy: We hear a lot about the clitoris–and don't get us wrong, we LOVE the clitoris–but you'll learn that it's only one of many sources of sensual pleasure for women.
Ejaculatory Control for Men: How to delay ejaculation, prolong pleasure, and enhance potency so men can be more vital.
Elusive Climax: What happens when you're close but can't quite seem to get there? Learn how to get over the edge.
Orgasms: Pop quiz... How many types of orgasms can you name? Learn about vaginal, clitoral, cervical, multiple, full body, nipple and more...
The Magical Power of Arousal: How does arousal work? How does it affect your body and how to learn to "surf" it like a wave.
Energetic Aspects of Lovemaking: Uncover the laws of energy and attraction.
Lovemaking for Health: Did you know you could cultivate sexual energy to heal or stay healthy and vital.
The Science of Pleasure: What are neural pathways and why they matter for sex?
Secrets of Sensual Touch: Did you know you can touch someone with your energy before you make contact physically? We'll discuss both energy and physical modalities of touch.
Sexual Attunement: How to feel what is going on in your partner's body, and experience a feeling of oneness.

And, you can ask our sexperts all your burning questions. They have a tremendous wealth of training and experience (details below).

It's 2020. Not the stone age. It's time for deeply satisfying, soul-connecting sex. Gain the knowledge and tools you need to take your sex life (including solo sex!) to the next level.

Others Details

Time: 20:00 to 22:30

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
Early Bird (Limited Quantity): USD 75.00, General (Reduced): USD 75.00, Last Minute: USD 150.00
Registration Ways
  Online Event  Pin/Zip Code : 10007
Guy and Lauren

[email protected]