International Ayurveda Seminar

8 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR12314 0
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  • Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
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  • Date 17-06-2017
International Ayurveda Seminar, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Seminar Title
International Ayurveda Seminar
Event Type
Seminar Date
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Organization Name / Organize By
Organizing/Related Departments
Ayurveda & Yoga
Organization Type
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
Related Industries


New Delhi, Delhi, India

On the occasion of Third International Day of Yoga, Namo Gange Trust is presenting International Ayurveda Seminar as part of Second India International Yoga, Health & Wellness Expo 2017 for encouraging the understanding of Ayurveda as an incorporated approach in supporting protection of health, wellness, mental illness, pain management and all-encompassing prosperity in human being’s life.

In today’s hectic and busy lifestyle, where people battle with their physical and physiological worries in their lives, Ayurveda comes as a remedy to ease the physical and mental pain and anxiety. In view of all-encompassing standards of harmony, health and fitness inside body and nature, as one’s all time wish from life, Ayurveda's basic stances fulfils such grants and changes the way of life from being frustrated all time into a lifestyle of peace and harmony. It is an extraordinary answer to remain fit, as well as a great option for treatment. Various Diseases like asthma, diabetes, circulatory strain, joint pain, ailments as serious as cancers have found an extraordinary treatment in Ayurveda.

Likewise, given the current testing condition, the act of Ayurveda offers great procedures for ground breaking associations to make it friendlier inside different groups and accomplish ideal results in the working environment. 

This event of celebration is not only restricted to India but will also making its footprints at global level as well.

It is going to be organize on 17th June 2017 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi India, it will be composed on a premise to spread the consciousness on the advantages of Ayurveda.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Featuring distinguished speakers from India and all over the world, who will present their research findings and training methodologies demonstrating the benefits of Ayurveda towards Wellness and Mindfulness
  • One day of Plenary and Breakout Sessions on Ayurveda Therapy, Ayurveda Asana and Guided Meditation
  • Round up Panel Discussions at evening with Q & A
  • Opportunity to mingle with Speakers, Researchers and Ayurveda Teachers Informally
  • To update the learning on emerging trends of research in Ayurveda in cure of diseases.
  • To Understand the Role of system of activity of Ayurveda medications in diseases.
  • To empower organizations and associations involved in Ayurveda to attempt quality research in this industry
  • To propel youth professionals & experts to take up subjective research work in these disciplines

Seminar Participants: 

  • Ayurveda Practitioners 
  • Ayurveda Researchers
  • Ayurveda Therapists
  • Ayurveda & Naturopathy Physicians
  • Ayurveda & Rehabilitation Consultants
  • Ayurveda DoctorsPhysicians & Surgeons
  • Dialectologists 
  • Endocrinologists
  • Physio psychologists 
  • Public Health Professionals
  • Health Educationists 
  • Nutritionists 
  • Students from Ayurveda , Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy & Siddha Colleges

Proposed Topics in Seminar: 

1. Ayurveda and Physiological research updates 
2. Ayurveda and Clinical research updates
3. Importance of Philosophic-literary research in Ayurveda 
4. New areas of Research in Ayurveda 
5. Ayurveda & Ayurveda and Fundamental research 
6. Emerging areas of Research in Ayurveda and Ayurveda
7. Specialisation in Ayurveda and Ayurveda practice

Proposed Speakers:

1. Dr. S. Gopakumar
2. Dr. Rajesh Chhabra
3. Dr. Upendra Digambar Dixit
4. Dr. K.R. Kohli

Others Details

For more details and updates please visit website.

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
Rs 2000
Registration Ways
  Hall No-7, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, Delhi, India.  Pin/Zip Code : 110001
Official Email ID
Namo Gange Trust

Hall No-7, Pragati Maidan

[email protected]

   +91-9311549600      180030000639