- Type
- Location Chicago, Illinois, United States
- Date 01-01-2024
Start the new year off strong! In this special silent retreat, you'll learn practical meditations that will enable you to keep a calm, strong, and happy mind, whatever comes your way. Tap into the tremendous power you have to control and improve your experience of your life and your world.
Suitable for both beginners and seasoned practitioners, each session will include practical instruction and guided meditation. We will observe silence during our brief breaks to enhance our meditative experience. Join us at the end for an informal Q and A and light refreshments.
2:00 - 3:00pm: Teaching and Meditation Session 1
3:20 - 4:00pm: Teaching and Meditation Session 2
4:20 - 5:00pm: Teaching and Meditation Session 3
5pm: Informal Q and A with light refreshments (optional)
Category: Community | Religion and Spirituality | Meditation and Yoga