- Type
- Location Pottsville, Pennsylvania, United States
- Date 31-08-2022
Street Railway operations began in Schuylkill County in 1865 with the formation of the People's Railway Company, one of the state's very early horsecar operations. Through a series of reorganizations and mergers, it became the well-run Eastern Pennsylvania Railways Company in 1906. This was one of the longer Pennsylvania interurban lines, operating over approximately 40 miles of the route in and around Pottsville and between Pottsville and the Lehigh River at Mauch Chunk. Streetcar service ended in 1932.
This program will present the history of those horsecar and electric railway operations for the railway system that radiated out of Pottsville and provide time for questions upon its conclusion.
The event will be on August 31st and will start at 6:30 pm.
The cost for non-members is $5.00, but members are always FREE. It pays to be a member.
Category: Community | History