CONCORD AREA HUMANISTS (CAH) presents: Digging Deeper: Applying Archaeology to the Biblical Record

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  • Date 03-03-2021
CONCORD AREA HUMANISTS (CAH) presents: Digging Deeper: Applying Archaeology to the Biblical Record, Online Event, United States
Event Title
CONCORD AREA HUMANISTS (CAH) presents: Digging Deeper: Applying Archaeology to the Biblical Record
Event Date
Online Event, United States
Organization Name / Organize By
Concord Area Humanists
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Concord Area Humanists
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Non Technical
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
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Online Event, United States

What is it like to be an archaeologist? How are objects and ruins excavated? Where do we get our information about how people in the past lived? What exactly is the “ancient Near East,” and what kind of civilizations lived there?

This information will be synthesized in a vivid, easy-to-follow Zoom presentation by archaeologist and biblical scholar Nate Ramsayer. In this talk, Nate will explain the excavation process, how artifacts and sites are dated, the differences between good and poor archaeological methods, and even show the audience several of his own artifacts from Israel that are up to 5,000 years old.

Nate is a freelance biblical studies instructor, giving guest lectures at churches, synagogues, senior communities, schools, and universities around the country. He holds an M.A. degree in Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East from Brandeis University, and has excavated at seven sites around the world, focusing mainly in Israel during the Bronze and Iron Ages. Besides archaeology, his scholarly research interests include biblical composition, manuscript history, and ancient Near Eastern myths; he’s also worked extensively in the field of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Questions are welcome!  

So grab your fedora and whip, and come learn about fascinating discoveries from the land of the Bible!

Others Details

URL: Inquiries: Artist / Speaker: Nate Ramsayer Category: Community | Local / Community Time: 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm

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  Online Event 
Andy Puchrik

[email protected]