Career Management: It’s Not a “Nice-To”, It’s a Must for Today’s Millennial and Restless Workforce

7 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR16026 0
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  • TypeWebinar
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  • Location Denver, Colorado, United States
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  • Date 25-01-2018
Career Management: It’s Not a “Nice-To”, It’s a Must for Today’s Millennial and Restless Workforce, Denver, Colorado, United States
Webinar Title
Career Management: It’s Not a “Nice-To”, It’s a Must for Today’s Millennial and Restless Workforce
Event Type
Webinar Date
Last Date for Applying
Denver, Colorado, United States
Organization Name / Organize By
Training Doyens
Organizing/Related Departments
Career Management
Organization Type
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
All (State/Province/Region, National & International)
Related Industries


Business Development



Denver, Colorado, United States


Years of change, restructuring, outsourcing and down-sizing have caused people, especially your top talent, to assess their career satisfaction and success. They are asking: Where are the professional growth opportunities here? Where else can I move to find more challenge or advancement? Should I try to get my great ideas to market here or somewhere else? In other words, should I stay or should I leave?

In the context of this reality and the rapidly changing marketplace, career management becomes a vital talent retention strategy. Career management provides the opportunity for an organization to align the aspirations of individual employees with current and future business needs, increasing the chances that the workforce will be willing, ready and able to move into the roles that the organization needs them to play.

Career Management is not just a “nice” thing to do - it’s a business imperative. The potential benefit goes beyond turning around low employee satisfaction scores, reducing turnover or ensuring high engagement. It’s about performance and profitability.


Change is the most pervasive influence within today’s workplace. Profound changes are shaking up the way organizations do business and therefore shaking up how you, as a talented professional, manager, or independent contributor, keep pace with these changes and be seen as a valued added employee and contribute to the company’s success.

Successful career management, to achieve career success during these turbulent, unpredictable times, requires three critical strategies. You need to know how to:

  1. Monitor Your Changing Work Environment: Don’t be caught with your guard down! Successful career management requires you to be aware of the ongoing changes in your career environment and know how these changes might impact you now and in the future.
  2. Manage Your Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the crowd! As organizations continue to change---to grow, restructure, merge, outsource - an increasingly vital career strategy is to make sure your skills continue to be well honed, razor sharp, and very productive.
  3. Mobilize Your Powerful Resources: Make things happen!Career entrepreneurs – those who fully take control of their careers – tap into their personal motivation as well their connections to make real their career ambitions and aspirations.

Therefore, if you are concerned about your career success and satisfaction, as you should be, then take ownership of it. The benefit of effective career management is that you take charge of your career growth and, at the same time, you will make a significant impact within your company. That’s a win-win.


These eight topics will be covered in this webinar.

  • Scan you work environment for trends and career opportunities.
  • Identify your career anchors – what motivates you to do your best work
  • Be seen as a value-added employee: A problem solver and an innovator
  • Build three kinds of professional networks to be in the know and be known
  • Identify your developmental needs and tie them to the company’s strategic needs
  • Create an individual development plan to improve effectiveness in current position and prepare for potential future roles
  • Build your career satisfaction: what you can do right now to enrich your present job or assignment.
  • Learn 7 strategies of career entrepreneurism as well as the top 10 tips for effective career management


The webinar will help you learn the significant factors of career management as well as assessing your work environment and opportunities. It also presents strategies to identify your professional needs and how to align them with the needs of the company.


VP of Human Resources, Human Resource Professionals, Chief Learning Officer, Directors, Project Managers, Operation Managers and Supervisors, Team Leaders, Staff Managers and Supervisors, Individual Contributors, Technical Professionals

Email: [email protected]

Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494

Tel: +1-720-996-1616

Fax: +1-888-909-1882

Others Details

Learn the basics of career management to derive opportunities & work satisfaction. Also know how to identify your career needs & develop professional networking.

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
Live Session for one participant $159 Corporate Live Session Group – Max 10 Participants from one location. $449 Recorded Session Get unlimited access to audio recording of the webinar for 6 months. $199 Training CD MP3 files, PDF presentation and reference manual will be delivered on a CD $379 Super Combo Offer 1 Live and Recorded webinar $289 Super Combo Offer 2 Live and Training CD $429
Registration Ways
  Online Webinar 
Official Email ID
Training Doyens

26468 E Walker Dr, Aurora, Colorado 80016-6104

[email protected]
