Asian summit on global warming and climate change

1 month ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR187287 0
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  • TypeConference
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  • Location UAE, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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  • Date 11-11-2024 - 13-11-2024
Asian summit on global warming and climate change, UAE, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Conference Title
Asian summit on global warming and climate change
Event Type
Conference Date
11-11-2024 to 13-11-2024
Last Date for Applying
UAE, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Organization Name / Organize By
apex global meetings
Organizing/Related Departments
apex global meetings
Organization Type
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
Related Industries


UAE, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Welcome to the Asian summit on global warming and climate change (ASGWCC2024) in the beautiful and vibrant city of Dubai, UAE.

Business sustainability has advanced in the past decades from branding and green washing to strategic imperative with its integration into corporate culture, business models, corporate governance, and managerial decisions. Business sustainability focuses on financial activities that generate long-term economic sustainability performance (ESP) to create shareholder value as well as non-financial activities that result in the achievement of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) sustainability performance to protect interests of all stakeholders. Many companies worldwide are now reporting on some dimensions of their sustainability performance by disclosing both financial ESP and non-financial ESG sustainability performance information and particularly on the environmental consequences resulting from global warming and climate change.

It is with great pleasure to welcome you to the ASGWCC2024 by extending my warmest greetings to you. As we gather here today, we are united by a common purpose of leaving a better environment for future generations by addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time, which is global warming and climate change.

The academic and practitioner presentations as well as discussions and collaborations that will take place over the coming days hold immense significance as we stand at a pivotal moment in history, where the decisions we make and the actions we take will shape the well-being of next generations, our planet and all its inhabitants. Together, we represent a diverse array of knowledge, perspectives, expertise, and experiences that will fuel our collective efforts and drive innovative solutions to combat climate change and global warming. As we embark on this journey, let us approach our presentations, discussions and deliberations with open minds, empathy, and a shared commitment to action in addressing global warming and climate change. Let us harness the power of collaboration to present our shared value, generate ideas, forge partnerships, and inspire meaningful and impactful change that will leave a better environment for future generations.

I encourage you to seize this opportunity to have meaningful and impactful participation, engage deeply, challenge assumptions, and amplify voices that are often marginalized in these discussions of global climate change. Let us not only envision a sustainable future but also chart a course of concrete actions and steps to bring that vision to fruition. Considering the complexity of global warming and climate change challenges, let us find unity and the strength to rise to the occasion.

Once again, welcome to the Asian summit on global warming and climate change (ASGWCC2024). Together, let us work tirelessly towards a world where our actions today safeguard the well-being of generations to come.

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
Registration Ways
Dubai, United Arab Emirates  Dubai, United Arab Emirates 
Dubai, United Arab Emirates