- TypeConference
- Location Tokyo, Japan
- Date 22-09-2023 - 24-09-2023
Computer Science
Information Technology
Publication and Indexing:
All the papers will be peer reviewed by experts.
Accepted and presented papers will be published by ACM Conference Proceedings. Published papers are expected to be submitted for inclusion into EI Compendex, Scopus and other academical databases etc.
Conference proceedings have been successfuly indexed by EI Compendexï¼SCOPUSï¼Web of Scienceï¼ISTP/ISI in last three year two months after online.
Submission ways:
Submit Now!! Submit full paper or abstract here.
Call for Papers:
*Computational Intelligence in Big Data
*Computational Intelligence for Wireless Systems
*Computational Intelligence in Internet of Everything
*Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems
*Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing
For more topics, please visit: http://bdci.org/cfp.html
Contact Us:
Conf.Secretary: Ms. Amber Lin
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +1-562-606-1057; Mobile: +(86)13688461344