2023 10th International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering (ICGCE 2023)

2 years ago Posted By : User Ref No: WURUR109586 0
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  • Location Tokyo, Japan
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  • Date 13-01-2023 - 15-01-2023
2023 10th International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering (ICGCE 2023), Tokyo, Japan
Conference Title
2023 10th International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering (ICGCE 2023)
Event Type
Conference Date
13-01-2023 to 15-01-2023
Tokyo, Japan
Organization Name / Organize By
ICGCE 2023
Organizing/Related Departments
International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering
Organization Type
Both (Technical & Non Technical)
Related Industries



Tokyo, Japan

ICGCE 2023 Shining Points: 
1. For papers submitted to ICGCE 2023, we offer two options for accepted papers publishing as follows.
(a).International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), The papers published in IJET will be included in Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), EBSCO, Google Scholar, Ulrich Periodicals Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, Index Copernicus, INSPEC.etc.
(b).International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER). The papers published in IJSCER will be included in New Jour (Electronic Journals & Newsletters), Open J-Gate, Index Copernicus International, Indian Science, Research BIB Japan.
2. One Outstanding Professor has joined as Speaker.He is Prof. Kondo Akira from Osaka University, Japan.
3. ICGCE2022 was held successfully online on January 20-22, 2022.

Paper Publishing
For papers submitted to ICGCE 2023,, we offer two options for accepted papers publishing as follows.
(a).International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), The papers published in IJET will be included in Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), EBSCO, Google Scholar, Ulrich Periodicals Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, Index Copernicus, INSPEC.etc.
(b).International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER). The papers published in IJSCER will be included in New Jour (Electronic Journals & Newsletters), Open J-Gate, Index Copernicus International, Indian Science, Research BIB Japan.

Conference Venue
Tokyo, Japan

Submission and Contact Methods
Submission Methods: 
Electronic Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icgce2023
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +86-28-88220101
Conference Specialist: Ms Vera Liao

Registration Fees
Registration Fees Details
Registration Ways
Tokyo, Japan  Tokyo, Japan 
Ms Vera Liao

[email protected]
