- TypeConference
- Location Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
- Date 04-11-2023 - 05-11-2023
Social Sciences
International Conference On Library And Information Science
04th & 05th November 2023 in Oxford, United Kingdom
Call for Papers : https://www.libraryinformationscienceconference.globalacademicresearchinstitute.com/index.php/main/iclis
in-person & Virtual: As scientific research conference organizers, The Global Academic Research Institute is proudly organizing the International Conference On Library And Information Science under the theme of “Digital Revolution: Moving towards Developing Smart Libraries”. Submissions are now open for both oral and poster presentations of all the scholars around worldwide. During the review period, Papers will be reviewed by eminent scholars in the respective areas.
Print & Online proceedings Book will include "EXTENDED ABSTRACTS"
Extended abstracts should be at least three pages, but not more than five pages in length including the references. The word limit is 1000 - 1200 words.
Short Abstract Guidelines: (Abstract should be given as a Microsoft Word/Pdf, 12pt, Times New Roman, A4 size One Page (250-300 words), Single line Margin & 03 keywords) Presentation time allocated 20 mins (15 mins presentation 05 mins QA).
For abstract submission fill in the abstract submission form below or contact [email protected]
or whatsapp +351915618544
Two types of submissions are invited:
1. Full papers reporting on original and unpublished research.
2. Work-in-progress papers or Abstract.
Important DatesAbstract submission deadline21st September 2023
Notification of acceptanceWithin 03 Days
Full Paper Submission On or Before15th October 2023
Early Bird Registration Deadline30th September 2023
Official Journal: GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Publications "GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research" (www.research.lk) as well as GARI Digital Research Library & National Library of Sri Lanka